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LOW Emission Bug

The Low Emmission Bug - Enjoy this video.


HHO Enhanced Toyota REVO 1.8 EFi

This is an installation of a Hyper 7 - System 1 into a Toyota REVO 1.8 EFi Sports Runner SUV. Nobody thought it was possible until this time.

Hyper 7 is a highly scalable, tuneable and manageable electrolyzer cell. It is also very stable - passed my burn in tests for more than 24 hours at high amperage conditions.

No thermal runaways occur to its PVC casings.

I personally am amazed with this small but terribly strong design.

Smoke on the water

"First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight with you, then you win." -- Ghandi

HHydrO Super 7 Now!

Off the Grid Technology

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