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HHO enhanced Honda Civic ESi Acceleration Tests
HHO enriched Honda Civic ESi... no EFIE's, no Pulse Generators... just a lean system.
Significant observation: Fuel Consumption is a lot slower than before. Power - a lot stronger than before.
I will be making a Before and After presentation on a normally aspirated car soon.
As soon as materials are ready.
I hope you enjoy this video.
Bypassing the Oxygen Sensor
Last night, I did a test with Zhe's Honda Civic ESi...
At first, I was giving up already because the HHO was not only doing good to the performance of the engine... it was also making the engine consume more gasoline.
I disconnected the HHO for sometime and observed how the engine is going to perform without it.
Since the spark plugs are old and wasn't replaced, the engine behaved weaker, and with apparent misfires taking place. Without HHO, engine response is slower. My right foot goes more deeper, more than halfway to get some satisfying accelerations.
Definitely, much power were lost with the HHO disconnected.
Again, I observed the engine again... analyzing where I can inject HHO without passing the oxygen sensors. I found a vacuum inlet after the sensor... I remove the hose connected to it and connected the hose from my bubbler to it.
I found the perfect spot to connect HHO to a Civic EFi!
The Bubbler made more bubbles! The engine started easily! and with More powerful accelerations!
I drove it to Manila and back... keeping an eye on the Fuel Gauge... observing how fast it will drop.
To my surprise!... it barely moved!
It only dropped one notch when I was already back home.
I am happy now that I have conquered an EFi.
I am not after replacing gasoline with water... I am only looking for ways to save gas. Since I have no job and I have very limited lifelines... saving gasoline is a big deal for me.
I hope this blog can help you guys out there.
More Horsepower everyone! (videos to follow!)
At first, I was giving up already because the HHO was not only doing good to the performance of the engine... it was also making the engine consume more gasoline.
I disconnected the HHO for sometime and observed how the engine is going to perform without it.
Since the spark plugs are old and wasn't replaced, the engine behaved weaker, and with apparent misfires taking place. Without HHO, engine response is slower. My right foot goes more deeper, more than halfway to get some satisfying accelerations.
Definitely, much power were lost with the HHO disconnected.
Again, I observed the engine again... analyzing where I can inject HHO without passing the oxygen sensors. I found a vacuum inlet after the sensor... I remove the hose connected to it and connected the hose from my bubbler to it.
I found the perfect spot to connect HHO to a Civic EFi!
The Bubbler made more bubbles! The engine started easily! and with More powerful accelerations!
I drove it to Manila and back... keeping an eye on the Fuel Gauge... observing how fast it will drop.
To my surprise!... it barely moved!
It only dropped one notch when I was already back home.
I am happy now that I have conquered an EFi.
I am not after replacing gasoline with water... I am only looking for ways to save gas. Since I have no job and I have very limited lifelines... saving gasoline is a big deal for me.
I hope this blog can help you guys out there.
More Horsepower everyone! (videos to follow!)
Smoke on the water...
Suggestion: Click to play this video... it may need to buffer... then click it again after it's finished to hear nad see it better without the buffering pauses.
Each time I see my cells generating very tiny bubbles or gas in the module or container... the song 'Smoke on the water' by Deep Purple plays in my mind.
Flashes of the purple bug doing donuts, 180's and screaming tyres pass like a visiting ghost. And the strong bubbling of HHO gases enters as the fading visions go.
Little is known about HHO or Oxyhydrogen or Hydroxy...
Public knowledge suggests that we cannot extract Hydrogen without introducing high electrical current or voltage into our electrolysis chamber. What we don't know, is that Hydrogen gas is already extracted even with low current electricity... and that Hydrogen gas even with Oxygen and even under little amount - can be utilized to enhance and enrich the combustion of our internal combustion engines.
This means that a small amount of HHO under pressure or compression is potential power.
We are harnessing only this potential power as needed. The HHO modules I made at home are not impressive looking right now, but contrary to industry practice. What is inside is more important.
To some extent... HHO experimenters are considered fools more than a decade ago. Bringing back to mind this deep purple song. Here's the lyrics to this song - sing along with the video, reflect on it, use your imagination up to where HHO will bring you... simply enjoy it. I leave the rest to your imagination and interpretation.
We all came out to Montreux
On the lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didnt have much time
Frank Zappa and the mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
We ended up at the grand hotel
It was empty cold and bare
But with the rolling truck stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We make a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know well never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
HHO according to Wikipedia

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"Knallgas" redirects here. For bacteria which oxidize hydrogen, see Knallgas-bacteria.
Oxyhydrogen is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases, typically in a 2:1 atomic ratio, the same proportion as water.[1] This gaseous mixture is widely used for torches for the processing of refractory materials.
Oxyhydrogen will combust when brought to its autoignition temperature. For a stoichiometric mixture at normal atmospheric pressure, autoignition occurs at about 570 °C (1065 °F).[2] The minimum energy required to ignite such a mixture with a spark is about 0.02 millijoules.[2] At normal temperature and pressure, oxyhydrogen can burn when it is between about 4% and 94% hydrogen by volume.[2]
When ignited, the gas mixture converts to water vapor and releases energy, which sustains the reaction: 241.8 kJ of energy (LHV) for every mole of H2 burned. The amount of heat energy evolved is independent of the mode of combustion, but the temperature of the flame varies.[1] The maximum temperature of about 2800 °C is achieved with a pure stoichiometric mixture, about 700 degrees hotter than a hydrogen flame in air.[3][4][5] When either of the gases is mixed in excess of this ratio, or when mixed with an inert gas like nitrogen, the heat must spread throughout a greater quantity of matter and the temperature will be lower.[1]
A pure stoichiometric mixture is most easily obtained by water electrolysis, which uses an electric current to dissociate the water molecules:
electrolysis: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2
combustion: 2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O
The energy required to generate the oxyhydrogen always exceeds the energy released by combusting it; see Electrolysis of water:Efficiency.
Limelights used an oxyhydrogen flame as a high-temperature heat source
Historic uses
Many forms of oxyhydrogen lamps have been described, such as the limelight, which used an oxyhydrogen flame to heat a piece of lime to white hot incandescence.[6] Because of the explosiveness of the oxyhydrogen, limelights have been replaced by electric lighting.
It was much used in platinum works, as platinum could be melted (at a temperature of 1768.3 °C) only in an oxyhydrogen flame, or an electric furnace (which is now used instead).
Oxyhydrogen torch
An oxyhydrogen flame
An oxyhydrogen torch is an oxy-gas torch, which burns hydrogen (the fuel) with oxygen (the oxidiser). It is used for cutting and welding metals, glass, and thermoplastics.[6] An oxyhydrogen torch is used in the glass industry for "fire polishing"; slightly melting the surface of glass to remove scratches and dullness.
The oxyhydrogen flame begins a short distance from the torch tip; if the distance is great enough the torch tip can remain relatively cool.[7]
Water torch
A bubbler apparatus used to mitigate potential flashback.[8]
A water torch is a kind of oxyhydrogen torch that is fed by oxygen and hydrogen generated on demand by water electrolysis. The device avoids the need for bottled oxygen and hydrogen, but requires electricity. Water torches must be designed to mitigate flashback by strengthening the electrolytic chamber. Use of an intermediary water bubbler eliminates potential electrolyzer damage from flashback, with a dry flashback arrestor being ineffective due to flame velocity. The bubbler is connected directly in series with the output gas. A water bubbler is sometimes referred to as a wet flashback arrestor, and effectively captures any remaining electrolyte in the output gas. Suitable electrolytes include sodium or potassium hydroxide, and other salts that ionize well.[7] Also "the electrolyzer system must be of high enough pressure to keep the gas velocity at the nozzle above the combustion velocity of the flame, or the system will backfire".[7] For images of water torch equipment see these links: [1] [2] [3][4][5][6][7][8].
The series cell design by Yull Brown.[8]
Brown's design
Some models of water torches mix the two gases immediately after production (vs. the torch tip) making the gas mixture more accurate.[8] This electrolyzer design is referred to as "common-ducted",[7] and the first was invented by William A. Rhodes in 1966.[9] Oxyhydrogen gas produced in a common-ducted electrolyzer is commonly referred to as "Brown's gas", after Yull Brown who received a utility patent for a series cell common-ducted electrolyzer in 1977 and 1978 (the term "Brown's gas" is not used in his patents, but "a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen" is referenced).[8][10] Brown's torches also used an electric arc to increase the temperature of the flame (called atomic welding):[8]
The claimed varying flame temperature can be explained by inaccurate infrared thermometry,[11] and measurement of the target material rather than the flame itself.
As a fuel supplement
* Oxyhydrogen gas is effective at improving emissions and efficiency in internal combustion engines when used as a fuel supplement. See Hydrogen fuel enhancement; hydrogen affects the burn rate of fuels and lean combustion capabilities of internal combustion engines.[12][13][14] Fuel Enhancement systems are designed "to feed the hydrogen and oxygen gases directly to an internal combustion engine without intermediate storage".[15]
* For diesel applications, it is claimed that "When the hydrogen enriched air is compressed, the diesel fuel is introduced with a resulting improvement in fuel efficiency and maximized combustion of the fuel".[16] Fuel enhancement has the potential to substantially reduce pollution emissions of internal combustion engines; research in 2004 concluded that "HC-emissions as well as NOx-emissions could be reduced to near zero".[17] A 50% reduction in gasoline consumption, at idle, was reported by numerically analyzing "the effect of hydrogen enriched gasoline on the performance, emissions and fuel consumption of a small spark-ignition engine".[18] Hydrogen "addition can guarantee a regular running", of the engine "with many advantages in terms of emissions levels and fuel consumption reduction".[17] Hydrogen fuel enhancement can be optimized by implementing established lean burn concepts, and at minimum to achieve an actual increase in gas mileage the air/fuel ratio needs appropriate modification.[13][12][17][19] Although such claims do not consider the emissions formed in generating the oxyhydrogen. "Overall, increases in engine efficiency are more dominant than the energy loss incurred in generating hydrogen, resulting in improved fuel economy for the system as a whole".[13] This is supported by computational analysis that "has marked the possibility of operating with high air overabundance (lean or ultra-lean mixtures) without a performance decrease, but with great advantages on pollution emissions and fuel consumption".[18]
* Sang Nam Kim claims "an energy generating apparatus using the cyclic combustion of Brown gas wherein a heat generating unit is heated to a temperature of 1,000°C".[20]
Klein's design
HHO gas or Klein gas is an oxyhydrogen mixture made by water electrolysis, which has been trademarked Aquygen by the firm Hydrogen Technology Applications.
Dennis Klein's patent states that his electrolyzer differs from Yull Brown's in that it lacks the electric arc feature.[21]
The HHO trademark is associated with an unproven state of matter called magnegases, and a discredited theory about magnecules,[22] [23] which is the basis for a number of fraudulent claims, and water-fuelled car scam attempts similar to the water fuel cell hoax.
I hope this will help enlighten you about HHO... :-)
Making HHO generators for free!

These videos are about the mileage test that I've done with my Honda Dio Scooter in Riyadh while I was waiting for a miracle to happen so that I will be able to go home, video taken last February 22, 2008. The first one is with the HHO disconnected...the second one is with HHO working.
The First run covered about 3 kilometers... the second run made above 4 kilometers. Clearly HHO gave me an extra kilometer on that 250ml. of gasoline! Clearly a 25% economy on an HHO generator made without spending a single Riyal!
I used a 250 ml container as my dextrose bottle for the gasoline here... I borrowed this container from the workshops' small spray gun. The HHO module is actually a container of Ovaltine Choco drink. I again borrowed some air hose fittings from the shop/ from our air pressure kit... then went to the scraps to find some hoses. The Module is made out of stainless steel plates which I got from scraps of other workshops. The whole container was sealed with teflon tape and finally with Silicon gasket maker... also borrowed from the shop.
The Flashback arrestor is made out of a discarded white board marker... the element inside is from thrown away cigarette butts filters.
The Wires - I got from the scraps also.
Water is free... after putting all these things together... I connected it to the scooters dead battery.
This system/ design... is giving me at least 4 extra Kilometers to a Liter of Gasoline. A liter is giving me only 12 KM ... with the HHO on, I get 16KM per liter of Gasoline.
If I make a stronger generator... I can easily lower my emmission and increase my mileage significantly.
This is the reason why I am convinced that a 100% Water Fuel system is highly doable.
Of course... If you look for scrap items... it will take you much longer to complete your first HHO module. But, if you have the time - why not?
Enjoy and Be Safe!
Mileage Test 1 on Honda Dio... HHO Generator disconnected.
Mileage Test 2 on HOnda Dio... HHO Generator on.
Project Next!
Here's the next project...
The legendary purple Bug - not only became resurrected... it comes back with Hydrogen Performance Power too!
What you see here is only a single element HHO module... but the container is too big... (in tagalog... tubig - pronounced as too big - means Water)
Please enjoy the ride as this video takes you for a spin inside the beast.
And I hope you enjoy the sweet sound of the stinger exhaust... please excuse the backfires... it is cause by a leak in my exhaust headers.
Hydrogen Performance Generators
Hi everyone!
I use the term Hydrogen Performance Generators because of the fact that:
1. I am really crazy about Hydrogen as an alternative solution to most world problems... since life comes generally from water, and this is also sustains all life on earth, might as well - adopt this thinking into our modern day vehicles.
2. Performance - I am also crazy about racing, the fact that I am a race car driver myself - I believe that if I am not able to use hydrogen in improving my racing performance, then I might as well scrap the idea and look elsewhere to trek in this never ending race for top performance solutions;
3. Generators - all ideas that are coming out are generated by a single thought... the thought of solving the worlds energy crisis... ideas like surge power, maglev, HHO are all generators of energy - the idea is old in itself. But the innovations that can be adopted using these concepts and principles are as vast as the universe itself.
I am no scientist nor engineer; I have no interest in other fields of sciences nor become an expert in any other fields related to HHO because I feel I am too old to be studying again in schools.
However, I am an imagineer... I use my imagination most of the times and do my simulation tests and trials inside my mind.
With this trait - I pursued my HHO quest.
Although I know Daniel Dingel since 20 years ago, he was even our house guest... exchanged topics with him and somehow - he gave me an idea about using electrolysis. He mentioned using some fancy electronics approach in producing Hydrogen and Oxygen through a voltage exciter module. Since I am not an electronics guy also, so I thought - I will just have to do away with this too.
So, along with my father, we made a small experiment with HHO on our VW 20 years ago. We had significant mileage from that experiment, but we simply lost interest on it since Gasoline wasn't so expensive that time.
I started experimenting again a few months ago this year... Most of these experiments I posted in youtube.com; like the mini HHO enhanced scooter.
Now I am back in my home country, I am free to continue my experiments again in my own chosen time and convenience.
Join me in my own little way of becoming a part of the solution to the worlds' problem.
Watch my videos and learn from them... do your own stuff, use some of my ideas... the world is our playground. While we are enjoying ourselves doing these experiments... the world is benefiting from it... as well as the whole of humanity.
I would like to give credit to Rob a.k.a. Batterryreviver from youtube.com in Canada; a world saver himself. WIth his encouragements and support, he led me and convinced me to post here in Bloggers and showcase my works for everyone to see and benefit from them.
Welcome everyone, lets start saving our planet... NOW!
I use the term Hydrogen Performance Generators because of the fact that:
1. I am really crazy about Hydrogen as an alternative solution to most world problems... since life comes generally from water, and this is also sustains all life on earth, might as well - adopt this thinking into our modern day vehicles.
2. Performance - I am also crazy about racing, the fact that I am a race car driver myself - I believe that if I am not able to use hydrogen in improving my racing performance, then I might as well scrap the idea and look elsewhere to trek in this never ending race for top performance solutions;
3. Generators - all ideas that are coming out are generated by a single thought... the thought of solving the worlds energy crisis... ideas like surge power, maglev, HHO are all generators of energy - the idea is old in itself. But the innovations that can be adopted using these concepts and principles are as vast as the universe itself.
I am no scientist nor engineer; I have no interest in other fields of sciences nor become an expert in any other fields related to HHO because I feel I am too old to be studying again in schools.
However, I am an imagineer... I use my imagination most of the times and do my simulation tests and trials inside my mind.
With this trait - I pursued my HHO quest.
Although I know Daniel Dingel since 20 years ago, he was even our house guest... exchanged topics with him and somehow - he gave me an idea about using electrolysis. He mentioned using some fancy electronics approach in producing Hydrogen and Oxygen through a voltage exciter module. Since I am not an electronics guy also, so I thought - I will just have to do away with this too.
So, along with my father, we made a small experiment with HHO on our VW 20 years ago. We had significant mileage from that experiment, but we simply lost interest on it since Gasoline wasn't so expensive that time.
I started experimenting again a few months ago this year... Most of these experiments I posted in youtube.com; like the mini HHO enhanced scooter.
Now I am back in my home country, I am free to continue my experiments again in my own chosen time and convenience.
Join me in my own little way of becoming a part of the solution to the worlds' problem.
Watch my videos and learn from them... do your own stuff, use some of my ideas... the world is our playground. While we are enjoying ourselves doing these experiments... the world is benefiting from it... as well as the whole of humanity.
I would like to give credit to Rob a.k.a. Batterryreviver from youtube.com in Canada; a world saver himself. WIth his encouragements and support, he led me and convinced me to post here in Bloggers and showcase my works for everyone to see and benefit from them.
Welcome everyone, lets start saving our planet... NOW!
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Smoke on the water
"First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight with you, then you win." -- Ghandi