Turbine Truck Engines' Hydrogen Powered Pulse Detonation Engine
The World's First HYDROGEN POWERED Pulse Detonation Turbine Engine.
Turbine Truck Engines, Inc.
Detonation Cycle Gas Turbine Engine
5th Generation Prototype
September, 2008
Hydrogen Fuel Demonstration
Hydrogen detonations result in ZERO harmful exhaust emissions.
The TTE flex-fuel DCGT engine required no modifications to run on hydrogen.
Turbine Truck Engines, Inc. (TTE) is a Nevada (C) corporation that was activated on November 27, 2000. The primary business of TTE is the commercialization of Alpha Engines Corporation's (Alpha) Detonation Cycle Gas Turbine (DCGT) engine for heavy-duty trucks with power ranges from 300 to 1,000 horsepower.
Turbine Truck Engines is currently a development stage company and is publicly traded. (TTEG.OB)
see: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=tteg.ob
Turbine Truck Engines, Inc. (TTE) owns an exclusive License from Alpha Engines Corporation (Alpha) to manufacture and market Heavy Duty Highway Truck Engines using Alpha's patented Detonation Cycle Gas Turbine (DCGT) technology. (U.S. Patent #6,000,214)
Alpha is a Delaware (C) corporation, incorporated in 1984 that is based in Florida and operates as research and development company. Privately funded, Alpha continues to advance the innovative research and engineering efforts of scientist Robert L. Scragg, the inventor and developer of Detonation Cycle Gas Turbine (DCGT) a revolutionary new turbine engine technology for heavy-duty trucks.
Following the development of its first prototype engine in 1987, Alpha has successfully designed and constructed four additional DCGT prototype engines, (1987, 1989, 1993, 2006) the practicality of which has been proven. Alpha's fifth (5th) prototype, a 540 HP engine, was successfully delivered to Turbine Truck Engines, Inc., DeLand, Florida in March 2006.
TTE has an exclusive licensing agreement with Alpha that provides TTE with all global licensing rights to Alpha's technology, including the manufacturing, sales and marketing for DCGT heavy duty truck engines, as well the right to partner, or re-license Alpha DCGT engine technology to third parties. In addition, the license includes a potential joint venture agreement with a leading US trucking and transportation company for the final development and commercialization of the TTE DCGT heavy duty truck engine.
The TTE DCGT engine utilizes a unique Electromagnetic Isothermal Combustion (EIC) Process that produces complete combustion of fuel-oxidizer mixtures in cyclic detonations that negate unwanted NOx and CO emissions.
The EIC Process enables the TTE DCGT engine to operate with blower air at low static pressure, negating the necessity of compressing and preheating fuel-oxidizer mixtures prior to combustion. By eliminating the compression of fuel-oxidizer mixtures, the TTE DCGT achieves higher thermal efficiencies in a simplified mechanical structure, and provides the following advantages over current diesel, gasoline and gas turbine engines:
1. Air Cooled - Less than 2 Pounds per Horsepower
2. Fewer Moving Parts - Less Maintenance, No Pistons, No Valves
3. Significantly Reduces "Greenhouse" Exhaust Gas Emissions
4. Reduced Fuel Consumption: 30%+
5. Flex-fuel and Mixed Fuels Capability
6. Operates on All Hydrocarbon Fuels, Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels
7. No Lube Oil, Filters or Pumps
8. Cold Start Capability
TTE DCGT Engine delivers a significant and unique competitive advantage over today's current engine technology. The TTE DCGT Engine will allow the US and the world to reduce its dependency on foreign oil, and at the same time significantly reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions associated with global warming.
Turbine Truck Engines, Inc.
917 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 6
DeLand, Florida 32724 USA
Web: http://www.ttengines.com
Tel: 386.943.8358
Fax: 386.943.6232
Email: David Laidlaw, dlaidlaw@ttengines.com
high quality video link:
HBank H2 flame show - 3 - LPG+H2 on bad burer
Here's a Perfect Video to show Skeptics that Inducing or Mixing Hydrogen with LPG has indeed an effect.
Waterboost Truck Unit
First test of the Waterboost Truck Unit. If it looks like we are getting a bit too close to the exhaust, its because we are, its so clean and warm ;)
The truck is a well used 1999 Volvo FH12 and I wouldnt mind the exhaust fumes inside my house
From wasterboost channel in youtube.
The First HHO Motorbike in China Part 1
Here's a video sent by my new friend in China... A Small Dry cell wired and with an unusual way of plumbing and ducting. But it works! :-) This is probably the first HHO'd Motorbike in China.... ...
HybridTech Pickup Truck.wmv
A fine example of a High Amperage Capacity alternator on a Hi-Tech Installation of HHO Technology on a fairly modern vehicle.
We are only limited to as far as our imagination can take us.
This truck uses a Series Dry Cell with 41 plates- it also doubles as a Torch :-).
Bob Boyce 27 Years HHO Part 5
Bob talks about the offer made to his resonance technology by A Big Car Corporation to the tune of USD300M - but he turned it down - He doesnt care about 300M.
He also mentions about the rules of thumb about the amount of HHO recomended to be induced into the engine.
Many stuff to learn for the newbie and for those who are still clueless about how HHO enhances the fuel burn.
It's all about extracting the power of fuel by using HHO as a super catalytic agent... I have always called it FUEL SUPPLEMENT or SUPPLEMENTAL FUEL.
Mileage Challenge: Students Try To Get 300 MPG
This is what we should be doing also in the Philippines... do a contest and challenge Schools to make their own science team to compete in our own 300MPG Hypermilage Challenge.
We set the guidelines, rules, limitations, specs or dimension limitations and fuel type limitations as well as engine size.
This is to encourage awareness and consciousness for the young generations to use their imagination and perhaps we can also get ideas and talents that we can employ in future projects.
This is why first world countries are making progresses.
We can invite sponsors to come in.
Just a thought to consider.
Drycell in RB25 Nissan Skyline
A fine example of a DIY install project on a Nissan Skyline with an RB-25 engine... the computers of this cars was messed up but it made 600 plus km to a full tank, than only 280plus to a tank before the installation.
A Motorcycle that runs on PURE Water.
From Minidish Channel in youtube:
"I've always said, these so called educational institutes have held most people back.
Every time some one told me the had a degree in something, I found them limited in what they could achieve.
Think outside the Box.
The World energy crises is here, We need to use it and stop saying, "THE GOVERNMENT" We are our own government.
Inventor Steve Ryan from Auckland, New Zealand, is not a biochemist, his expertise is in financing. But he has developed process by which a stock Suzuki 350cc motorcycle can run on regular tap water (after it has been processed in his invention for approximately 20 minutes). His company, Biosfuel, is convinced that H2O is the power that will fuel the next commercial and industrial revolution. This New Zealand version of the 60 Minutes show aired October 2005 in Australia.
American companies such as Aquygen with their HHO fuel project feel Steve is right on about water technology as well. Rumors have been flying around about a water-powered Hummer to be released in the near future. I wonder why so few people on this side of the world have heard about this possible alternative to $1.50 pump gas.
The military knows about it, they have already contacted the inventor. He is already in fear he might disappear."
ZERO Emission Success! Motorbike with Hydroplus
The Subject Vehicle: 2000 model HONDA 150 TMX
Device Added: HydrOplus HPMCX Hydrogen Booster
Emission Tested: October 7, 2009, Manila, Philippines
Hydro Carbon (HC) = 5 ppm / Category Limit = 600
Carbon Monoxide (CO) = 0.01 % / Category Limit = 3.5
Average Fuel Consumption:
Before = 23 km per liter
After = 28 km per liter
Highest Mileage attained after = 31 km per liter
Installed 2 months ago.
Virtually ZERO Emissions
HydrOplus is more than just a Green Product nor a Solution to Pollution nor a Power Enhancer...
We have dedicated sleepless night literally burning our midnight oils to achieve ZERO emissions.
We are not there yet... but we are close.
We are helping save the planet.
Distributed by: E-Tech Philippines, Inc.
CORPORATE SPONSORS are welcome to Subsidize the installation of this technology to all the smoke belching Philippine Tricycles.
The technology is also applicable to Diesel Jeepneys.
But these sector of society cannot afford this technology yet... unless environmentally and Socially Responsive Corporations will step into the picture and help in Cutting Carbon Footprints by 90%!
The real global problem is Global Dimming... Let us help in saving the planet.
This is the best, fastest and greenest and probably cheapest approach in reversing the ill effects of climate change.
We have reached success already and we want to share it with the world. Interested parties may contact us directly or leave a message at the "pinoywaterpower" channel in youtube.
Dry Cell Installation on a 67 VW Beetle
This video was done right after finishing the installation. Sorry it is so dark, but it was late when I finished. Better and more detailed still photos here:
I don't have a on/off switch on this which might seem overly confident. But there is a switch on the throttle that grounds the relay to activate the dry cell when the throttle is opened and turns off the cell at idle. I have a plastic skull head that helps hold up the hoses so the HHO bubbles have a more uphill route making flow better. I installed lighting in this skull connected to the power source to the cell so I can tell by looking if the dry cell is on or not. I checked the amperage of this cell and it was at 6 amps cold. I will run this to see how well it performs. At 6 amps on this size engine I might be close to going past the "flywheel effect" of this engine since it only displaces 1600 CCs. If I activate the cell with the engine at idle and the idle drops noticeable, then the amps are past the flywheel effect and the electrolyte must be diluted to get the maximum efficiency from the cell on this engine. I will piddle with it more and post updated videos later.
This vid was long overdue.. for the novice to the advanced.. this is some of the basics describing why HHO is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from Brown's gas ie; particulate water vapor from the re-mixing of gas w/solution substrate(then dried or not)... i'll point out that The Hydroxy Gas has been Photonated after an induced VOLTAGE Dissociation Field and "starved" of electrons.. this effect inhibits the Constituent Gasses from returning to a water state upon combustion.....KaaaaBOOOM!!!
This is a first rate vid..."theenergyunderground" has done their homework......
EPA Jons HHO Detractors On NBC's Flawed 'Dateline' Show
- and NBC's Dateline!
April 6, 2009 - The EPA has weighed in on Dateline NBC's report on Dennis Lee's Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell, giving a statement to the show that is rather coy, since the EPA hasn't tested any onboard hydrogen generators since 1991, when the technology was in its infancy. In fact, I couldn't find any hydrogen kits tested in a 20-minute search of the database (there must have been some). And the EPA didn't test anything at all from 1999 to 2005, when it tested two magnets (which reduced fuel efficiency by 1 MPG).
Here's the statement:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency oversees a program to evaluate aftermarket devices and fuel additives for cars and light duty trucks that are intended to improve fuel economy or reduce emissions. A manufacturer may contact us if they wish to participate in this voluntary program. EPA has tested a number of these aftermarket devices over the years. And, to date, have found they generally do not work. EPA has does have proven tips to help motorists improve their fuel economy.
While no one can trust a news organization that has recently run more than 400 ads for ExxonMobil's "onboard hydrogen generator" (used to reform gasoline instead of water) to fairly discuss onboard hydrogen generators created by others, it did show the enormous gall and greed of Dennis Lee's Dutchman Enterprises, Inc., and did make the point that "a hydrogen-powered car is a legitimate dream" - which will be news to GM, which produces one.
One user of Lee's device who appeared in Dateline, Nir Kronenberg of Queens, N.Y., suggested that problem was with Lee's kit, not HHO generators in general. "These devices - I've seen them work before, not this one, but there's another device that my friend Dana has been using for a long time. And most of it seems plausible to me, the whole theory of it," he said.
There are a lot of other questions about the Dateline show, including what kind of EFIE was used, since there are vast differences between them today. Some need dual EFIEs, and a few newer cars need wideband EFIE's for multiple O2 and other sensors. In one segment, Leo Brancato, a science teacher, "It may have worked for a little while, but the computer overrides it in my car, so I never got a sustained 45 miles-plus in my car... They've got a lot of work to do on the electronics... ."
What shocked us the most was the $300,000 Dennis Lee apparently charged distributors for rights to sell the HAFC kits. I couldn't tell from the segment whether the tape they showed of him promising 50% mileage gains was from this decade or the last - it looked ancient, and so did his clothing - since they were undated, but the show said they taped the part about his $300,000 buy-in on Sept. 13, 2008.
But the real problem is not just with Dateline NBC's reporting, since they may not have known any better, but with Lee's claims, which are fanciful at best. We know of no other developer of onboard hydrogen generators except ExxonMobil makes claims of that kind - an 80% improvement - for their technology on MSNBC, CNBC and other cable shows - the norm is 20% to 40%. During the show, Lee called Hansen "a lackey for oil companies," a charge Hansen called "outrageous."
Dateline NBC is unlikely to expose ExxonMobil, its advertiser, but they could have at least looked at some modern kits, not from a convicted felon like Dennis Lee, and used an expert other than Mike Allen of Popular Mechanics, who has railed against this industry for years and couldn't be fair if he tried. Popular Mechanics, of course, is the magazine that introduced the AirCar to America, and told us on Feb. 22, 2009, that "Company officials want to make the first air-powered car to hit U.S. roads a $17,800, 75-hp equivalent, six-seat modified version of MDI’s CityCAT (pictured above) that, thanks to an even more radical engine, is said to travel as far as 1000 miles at up to 96 mph with each tiny fill-up." Sure.
One of Lee's victims, Dr. Michelle Hemingway, got thoroughly ripped off, paying $2,000 for an installation by her own mechanic - the standard installation rate is $150 or less!
Eric Krieg, the skeptical electrical engineer featured on the show, has corresponded with us and renewed his offer yesterday to pay $10,000 to anyone who can show substantial improvements in mileage using hydrogen kits. But does he have $10,000 in a trust account to make that claim? Krieg says he is the person who caused the show to run: "I got the Dateline show to air - I've gotten a number of newspaper articles run on free energy scams. If I believed H2 boost really worked, I would gladly get attention for that. I have had many people in the last 5 years tell me they would show me some kind of H2 mileage boost - they never come through and always have excuses. Could you help me find someone getting at least a 25% boost in the Greater Philadelphia area? If I find it to work, I will get you good media so the world can know it works and start taking advantage of it in a big way. Or I can keep on exposing the scams," he said in a note to us yesterday. His Website had not been updated on the topic for more than 8 years when he began producing new material from the Lee case, but he seems more poorly informed than deliberately malicious.
Even Dr. Bob Park, 85, a James Cromwell-look-alike described as an author and physics professor - he's a research professor who doesn't teach - from the University of Maryland, is quoted out of context talking about "conservation of energy" with respect to Lee's claims about perpetual motion machines, not hydrogen kits. According to the UM Website, Park's last notable publication was "Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud," in 2000.
Dr. Park makes a living debunking claims like the divinity of Jesus and the value of acupuncture, and called Lee "a swindler from the start," which is probably true. Park spent 5 years, he said, trying to get two states to prosecute Lee - so he's obviously objective.
But Dr. Park was very wary of Chris Hansen's efforts to get him to say that hydrogen generators don't work, which is something that other physics professors would dispute, and Park never said they didn't.
In his April 3 column "What's New,", however, he intimates in an item titled "BS ABOUT BMS - IS NORTH KOREA FUELING A BALLISTIC MISSILE?" that North Korea isn't building a ballistic missile. "They're sure trying to make people think they are. They do this every so often to wring concessions out of the West," he writes. The launch on April 4 may have changed his mind.
But it's clear that if hydrogen can send the Space Shuttle into orbit, as it does regularly, it can and does propel a car, whether as an additive or with pure hydrogen. The question the show raises indirectly, by saying the kits "don't produce enough hydrogen to make a difference," is what volume of hydrogen will make a difference? Bob Boyce's kit, known only as "The Cell," displayed at the HHO Games & Exposition in Bradenton, Fla., last Feb. 7-9, produced 21 liters per minute. It looked like Lee's kit was very small, and likely produced a half-liter or less.
And why are so many trucking fleets - unhampered by O2, MAF and MAP sensors and other mileage-limiting devices - now installing them, as demonstrated in DieselPower magazine's February cover story on the topic?
Dateline NBC, the son of General Electric with its vast array of nuclear and electric devices, funded in part by ExxonMobil's ads, was not interested in the truth, as Dennis Lee said. Unfortunately, neither was he. We'll be interested in the next installment of his court battle with the FTC, which the agency said will continue.
Meanwhile, we fell sorry that Chris Hansen, whom we admire for his "To Catch a Predator" work, was the patsy in this set-up-knock-down journalistic disgrace. He keeps asking Mike Allen, what did we get for our $1,900?" "Taken," says Allen. Kits sold at HHO Express are priced from $150 to $425, but IHHOI Foundation secretary Dr. Tim Finfrock and his partner Jerry Watkins get $10,000 for some of their kits, Watkins told us. Dateline got off cheap.
You can see a video presentation of this Update on Ustream.com or HHO-INFO.org, as well as YouTube
They've used water in their engines
Since the end of the 19th century, several inventors have used water as an additive in internal combustion engines with the aim of reducing consumption and decreasing pollution. The best known nowadays is the American Paul Pantone.
This reference work proposes an exhaustive, in-depth approach to the subject through the experience of the authors who have industrialised their original version of these processes in the form of a "ready to use", miniature catalytic reactor.
Part 1 : A history of the main engines and processes using water to optimise combustion.
Part 2 : The journey made by the authors from the first prototypes to the creation of the HYPNOW company in Aix-en-Provence
Part 3 : Precise technical data allowing the comprehension and evaluation of the criteria necessary for the correct functioning of diesel engines equipped with an fuel economiser (including the plans of the SPAD and assistance with diagnosing problems).
1. Fouding myths
2. 1898 Clerget
3. 1920 Sabatier
4. 1928 Weber
5. 1931 The Catalex
6. The super carburettors
7. The wood gasifier
8. 1950 Cochez
9. Pratt and Whitney
10. 1974 / 1975 Chambrin
11. Alcohol or water
12. 1990 Meyer, hho
13. 1991 Markou and Pattas
14. 1998 Pantone
15. Electrodynamic catalysation (ionized gases)
16. Believable explanation
17. 1st April 2008 (HRG)
18. Synthetic fuels
19. Fuel treatment
20. August 2008
Part two : HYPNOW
21. Storm warning
22. Copied already
23. The very beginning
24. Optimise
25. Patent or not patent
26. APTE and Morocco
27. 12th June 2008
28. The UTAC and CNRV are on a boat, they both fall in the water
29. I assure you
30. Volunteer testers
31. The 1001 motor pumps
32. Leakage on all floors
33. May 2008
34. 18th August 2008
35. 11th September 2008
36. Tunis
37. Egypt
38. Money makes madness
39. And Hypnow in all that ?
40. The Diesel engine
41. The injection pump
42. The load ratio
43. Injection pump governor
44. The mini-maxi governor
45. The "all speed" governor
46. Droop
47. Test protocol
48. History of reactors
49. The SPAD plans
50. Malfunction diagnosis
51. Epilogue
32 plate Hydrogen generator installed on a street rod
Here's a nice Street Rod with an HHO Generator on board.
I dont think he is scared of Hydrogen Embrittlement at all...
Hydrogen embrittlement occurs under pure and massive hydrogen exposure of metal surfaces...
How can occur in a 1:95 HHO to AF mixture? and HHO is not even pure Hydrogen.
For those who wish to repeat or parrot technical terms like Hydrogen Embrittlement - stop doing it if you just want to sound intelligent. If you really want to sound intelligent, please do your homework before even throwing these terms here.
Hydrogen Fuel Co., Inc. - 100% Water Powered Geo Metro Demonstrated by Advance Tech Engineering
Hydrogen Fuel Co., Inc. has been involved in alternative fuels for over 30 years. With focus on development and education of hydrogen fuel technology they are helping to bring about clean energy goals set forth by the Government. Advance Tech Engineering is a 10 year old company in Idaho that specializes in building breathing equipment for scuba divers. This company also has experience in HHO and has built a Geo Metro to run exclusively on HHO produced from Water. Here they show how this is done. For more information visit http://www.hydrogenfuelco.com.
Hydrogen enhanced Charade High Speed Cruise Chasing Rainbows...
Literally Speaking, I was actually chasing a rainbow in this video... I enjoyed driving more than 500 km for about 2 days... The long Highway offered plenty of high speed cruise.
I also didnt realize I popped off the oil cap and also ran low on electrolyte... causing my top speed to drop from 140 to only 130kph average for the whole duration of the highway cruise.
I am still using the undersize jets, both primary and secondary... what used to5 be the primary jet is now the secondary. I realize I can do 17kpl in city combined with little highway with this set-up...
In the Highway, maintaining 120 to 130 kph speeds will make 14km per li.. I have never tried doing only 80kph on the highways because the car wanted to cruise comfortably on this speed. But I realized I have set this car to perform well in city driving.
The next time I set out on a longer trip, I will rejet it back to stock and see what speeds is this really capable of and what fuel economy will it bring.
Without HHO or Hydroxy , I can hardly make pass 100kph with this car with this undersized jets.
Anyway, I must admit, I keep chasing rainbows... but it's worth the trip. :-)
Oh yes, the more you push this car to it's limit, the more it enjoys running smoother... I am just amazed with it's performance. Definitely, not bad for an old car with old spark plugs, with no more oil change, I dont even checked the dwell and opening or timing of the points, even the suspension system needs really some attention. I still would admit, I really enjoy driving this car.
Jack Nicholson's Hydrogen powered car back in 1978...
-Jack Nicholson promotes his Hydrogen powered car back in 1978.
-The car is a 1978 Chevy Impala,running and driving on Hydrogen gas and no emissions just water vapour,therefore non-polluting.
-The gas woul'd be produced by solar powered electrolysis,no off-the-grid electricity and no fossil fuels.
-The big question here is where is that technology?
-It was a reality 30 years ago and now we got oddball stuff like hybrid cars that don't seem to be very good....
-Can you imagine if everybody coul'd drive a big V8 powered american car,without pollution and almost for free,like in the old days?
-Thats what everybody wants!
-That also could mean putting Detroit back on top,building the cars that the people want without hassles from the CAFE and EPA.
-You'll be the judge.
-Video courtesy of the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
My all new newman motor 2 running it up.
A very interesting experimental generator set-up using Newman motors. A Very interesting fact here is that the experimenter calculated it to give off only 24VDC... but it has been clearly shooting over the limits of the voltmeter gauge.
At any rate, it is still a very interesting set up.
This is truly a green, clean and mean thing.
Hydrogen Enhanced Daihatsu Charade with Engine Fumes Vortex Reformer
Playing around with vortex principles... I have redirected all the engine breather ports to a positive copper coil - mounted on the exhaust manifold section and with the hydrogen oxygen output line merging into a final dryer cell before it is induced into the intake system.
I noticed a stronger and smoother engine response after this upgrade.
Anyway, I haven't seen much mileage gains yet - maybe because I still haven't suppress the carburetor fuel feed yet.; moreover, I am always driving rushly in order to save more time. If you want to save more fuel, you will still be needing to compromise time, and so my work is still continuously improving... My target is to save fuel as well as time, so speeding can be achieved without compromising fuel consumption... a tall order, but possible.
At any rate, the power gains is felt more now than before. I am quite happy with the torque improvement now.
But just this morning today, I noticed that after travelling more than 50km, the needle of the fuel tank barely moved. And that the pedal just needed a very light - pressure to get it to cruise above 60 to 80+ kph on 4th and 5th gears.
Please help spread the awareness of green consciousness and technology.
GEET with water only is to be installed in the future... stay tuned. Godwilling.
#179 Bill Tucker talks about his Volvo big rig HHO
Bill Tucker does not build for others. He just came to show. With 3LPM he claims it went from 6.5MPG avg to 12MPG! A true HHO success story!
PEC - Hybrid Harley
Harley Davidson motorcycle - Hybrid
Installation of a Power Emissions Control generator (PEC unit). The unit generates burnable vapors from water. The vapors are added to the metered air that enters the combustion chamber of the engine. The vapors enable more of the metered fuel to be burned and decreases the greenhouse gases exiting the tailpipe.
The Six Stroke Engine
Written by Alan Bellows on March 18th, 2006 at 10:01 pm
Under the hood of almost all modern automobiles there sits a four-stroke internal combustion engine (ICE). Though the efficiency of the design has been improved upon significantly in the intervening years, the basic concept is the same today as that used by the first practical four-stroke engine built in the 1870s. During every cycle in a typical car engine, each piston moves up and down twice in the chamber, resulting in four total strokes… one of which is the power stroke that provides the torque to move the vehicle. But the automotive industry may soon be revolutionized by a new six-stroke design which adds a second power stroke, resulting in a much more efficient and less polluting alternative.
In a traditional ICE cycle, 1) the fuel/air valves open as the piston moves down, which draws air and fuel into the chamber; 2) the valves close as the piston moves back up, putting the air/fuel mixture under pressure; 3) the mixture is then ignited, causing a small explosion which forces the piston back down, which turns the crank and provides the torque; and finally 4) the exhaust valves open as the piston moves back up once again, pushing the byproducts of the fuel explosion out of the chamber. This leaves the piston back in its starting position, ready for another cycle. This process is repeated thousands of times per minute.
The clever new six-stroke design was developed by 75-year-old mechanic and tinkerer Bruce Crower, a veteran of the racing industry and a the owner of a company which produces high-performance cams and other engine parts. He had long been trying to devise a way to harness the waste heat energy of combustion engines, and one day in 2004 he awoke with an idea which he immediately set to work designing and machining. He modified a single-cylinder engine on his workbench to use the new design, and after fabricating the parts and assembling the powerplant, he poured in some gas and yanked the starter rope. His prototype worked.
His addition to the ICE design is simple in principle, yet a stroke of genius. After the exhaust cycles out of the chamber, rather than squirting more fuel and air into the chamber, his design injects ordinary water. Inside the extremely hot chamber, the water immediately turns to steam– expanding to 1600 times its volume– which forces the piston down for a second power stroke. Another exhaust cycle pushes the steam out of the chamber, and then the six-stroke cycle begins again.
Besides providing power, this water injection cycle cools the engine from within, making an engine's heavy radiator, coolant, and fans obsolete. Despite its lack of a conventional liquid cooling system, his bench engine is only warm to the touch while it is running.
From the Autoweek article:
Crower invites us to imagine a car or truck (he speaks of a Bonneville streamliner, too) free of a radiator and its associated air ducting, fan, plumbing, coolant weight, etc.
“Especially an 18-wheeler, they’ve got that massive radiator that weighs 800, 1000 pounds. Not necessary,” he asserts. “In those big trucks, they look at payload as their bread and butter. If you get 1000 lb. or more off the truck…”
Offsetting that, of course, would be the need to carry large quantities of water, and water is heavier than gasoline or diesel oil. Preliminary estimates suggest a Crower cycle engine will use roughly as many gallons of water as fuel.
And Crower feels the water should be distilled, to prevent deposits inside the system, so a supply infrastructure will have to be created. (He uses rainwater in his testing.) Keeping the water from freezing will be another challenge.
Bruce Crower holds a patent on the new design– which he is still developing and tweaking– but he estimates that eventually his six-stroke engine could improve a typical engine’s fuel consumption by as much as forty percent.
Further reading:
Autoweek article on the six-stroke engine
Wikipedia article on Internal Combustion Engine
Crower Cams & Equipment homepage
The 6 stroke cycle engine
Is there any development potential for the reciprocating internal combustion engine, whose architecture seems to have by now settled into a classic?
Motor Union Italia devised and designed a revolutionary engine featuring exhausts, production times, overall dimensions and weight all lower than a traditional four stroke engine's.
The correct technical definition of this new type of engine is: 6-stroke isovolumetric engine with revolving con-rod and half-floating piston.
Reciprocating engines can either be "2 stroke cycle" engines or "4 stroke cycle" engines. As is known, the difference between the two lies in their succession of four characteristic strokes: in 2-strokes, it is completed in one crankshaft revolution (360º), while in 4-strokes, it is completed every two revolutions (720º).
The traditional geometry of reciprocating engines, i.e. piston, con-rod and crankshaft, determines a symmetrical piston movement with respect to the T.D.C. (Top Dead Centre) and the B.D.C. (Bottom Dead Centre), according to the sinusoidal pattern created by the crankshaft radius or "throw".
In both instances, designers, looking for improved performance, have pushed the valve opening and closing times to extremes. This has been done to maximise the volumetric efficiency of the piston around the TDC: in fact, these are technical compromises made necessary by the variable volume combustion typical of reciprocating engines, the operation of which is based on the crankshaft/connecting rod assembly. In practice, fuel ignition must necessarily begin before the TDC, consequently, the early stage of combustion (the only working stroke of the engine) occurs while the piston is still going up: this obviously results in wasted energy at the expense of the flywheel. This traditional approach is reversed in the new design: basing on the new crankshaft assembly that they have designed, Motor Union engineers offer an isovolumic combustion engine.
The driving shaft no longer has a crank but an eccentric profile similar to a cam: it can therefore generate motion patterns basically different from the symmetric motion of a crankshaft assembly. The piston must follow the eccentric profile because it is linked with it by a roller (coaxial with the piston pin) and by a retainer (a small con-rod guided in a profiled groove in the eccentric).
The roller turns without sliding on the cam profile which, unlike a crank, does not have a fixed radius but consists of a sequences of arcs of a circle, whose parameters can be changed (obviously, in the design phase) to adjust the vertical motion of the piston during each phase (in the intake phase the piston's downward movement is actuated by the retainer).
Why did they want to create an engine in which the piston does not move according to the well-know sinusoidal pattern created by the con-rod - crankshaft assembly? To enable it to follow, more logically and more appropriately, the evolution of the thermal and fluid-dynamic cycles by which it is affected.
The distinctive characteristic of this engine is, in short, that it allows the piston to "stop;" at the TDC and at the BDC for the time necessary to obtain a 6 Stroke cycle, with considerable advantages in terms of consumption and operating smoothness, and without having to compromise like in traditional engines, to the detriment of each stroke.
STROKE 1 - Constant Volume Combustion.
It is the dream of engine designers come true. Ignition begins when the piston is stopped at the TDC. The piston stop lasts for the time calculated by the designers to complete combustion and prevent any back-pressure caused by the spark advance. This enables to make the most of the energy obtained from the fuel, with decreased consumption by up to 20%.
STROKE 2 - Full expansion stroke.
In the state of the art, the working stroke is less than 65% of the total expansion stroke, because of the exhaust opening advance, which determines an over-4% loss of possibly resulting work. In the new design, the entire expansion stroke occurs between the TDC and the BDC.
STROKE 3 - Free exhaust.
This is the first, constant-volume exhaust phase: high-pressure gases are spontaneously evacuated while the piston is stopped at the BDC.
STROKE 4 - Forced exhaust.
In this phase, the exhaust gas is low pressure gas, therefore, the piston will not require a big pumping effort going up towards TDC. Approximately 2% saved energy
STROKE 5 - Intake.
The piston travels from the TDC to the BDC where it stops: the column of fresh gases continues to flow into the cylinder by inertia, until the intake valve closes. The intake volumetric efficiency is increased.
STROKE 6 - Compression.
Complete stroke from the BDC to the TDC. Ignition occurs at the TDC without any spark advance, saving a 3÷4% of the flywheel accumulated energy.
In a traditional engine, ignition always occurs during the compression stroke, applying a back-pressure on the crown of the piston which implies a loss of driving energy.
The Motor Union research engineers have found a simple, cheap way to make the most of the most neglected and most badly wasted of all strokes, the combustion stroke: they did this by modifying the piston motion pattern (fixed and unchangeable in current engine designs, because it is determined by the crankshaft dimensions and con-rod length only), by modifying the driving shaft concept, by introducing revolutionary changes in the con-rod design and, above all, by modifying the crank design which, instead of one fixed length, has different lengths according to the required motion pattern at different times. The proposed system therefore enables to work out an unlimited number of piston motion patterns, tailored to each different application, and to be able to divide each driving shaft revolution into several, rational, operation strokes, clearly defined and well separated; this will not only enhance the essentially important strokes of combustion and expansion, but also reduce the loss of efficiency for all of the following reasons:
Less con-rod pin friction;
Less (negative) pumping work required to let out exhaust gases;
Less back-pressure caused by spark advance;
Constant compression ratio (in traditional engines, during the combustion stroke which happens before the TDC, a volume variation occurs in the combustion chamber caused by the piston movement around the TDC);
Less friction thanks to the smaller number of driving shaft supports in a multicylinder engine;
Full expansion stroke;
According to Motor Union, this design would not totally upset the operation of current engines. On the contrary: it would only be necessary to modify the driving shaft, while continuing to use the same cylinders, pistons, heads and all the timing system parts of current engines. This would enable to still use the know-how acquired so far, and the currently available tools, casting and machining techniques.
The prototypes of a 6-Stroke Engine already built not only confirmed all theoretical expectations but were also relatively easy and cheap to build, lighter and less bulky. Displacement being the same, dimensions were reduced by 35% and, the crankshaft assembly, case and cylinder materials used being the same, the total weight reduction could range between 30 and 50%.
When I was one of the many freshly-graduated engineers still full of daring dreams, back at university, my Machines II teacher used to disillusion us by saying that all sorts of "devilish" variations of the reciprocating internal combustion engine had ALREADY been designed and patented. Is the new Motor Union engine design going to break this "rule" and become successful?
by: Stefano Bianucci
Tap Water Mustang available for school tours presenters speakers bureau
Tap Water Mustang available for school tours presenters speakers bureau anywhere in British Columbia lower mainland and Vancouver Island
Who's Killing the Hydrogen Car?
Following is an interview with a scientist, who has proven that dependence on fossil fuels is a choice, not a necessity. Imagine converting all our existing utility vehicles and short run trucks to run on Hydrogen. No fuel cells, no hybrids, no bullshit.
Hydrogen enhancement - why nobody talks about it?

Ever noticed why mainstream media don't talk about this so called controversial suppressed technology?... I ask that question myself most of the times.
Trying to figure out answers can lead one to think of many possible angles or theories.
I am not interested to talk about the theories... I am more interested to talk about why it should be considered as part of a quick fix - cure with a more permanent benefit and impact to the environment.
Fact is: We - the populace invested on the Big Automakers and the Big oils with our hard earned money from our servitude to the same elites. We invested in the form of labor and purchase of their products and services like cars and oil and fuel.
More Facts: These cars/ vehicles are worth our entire earnings in 5 years or so, these vehicles are necessities as well as luxuries... but the latter is more evident.
With the advent of events like Climate Change and depleting Ozone Layers, the Big elites must show their socially responsible side by offering solutions to pollutions that is both profitable and beneficial for the populace - that's us!
They will offer products / services that will be hard to replicate and produce by the common man, these products will hit our hot buttons like Increased Fuel and Economy and Low to Zero Emissions. They begin to build Gas/Electric Hybrids, Electrics and Hydrogen powered or fuel celled cars.
My Question: What do we do about our present and old cars?
The cost of recycling cars is also not being talked about in mainstream media.
To recycle cars - this means, melting materials to break them down back into usable raw materials. To melt requires power, and power requires burning of fuel... This means, Huge Carbon Footprints every year.
The Car-makers say, it is not economical to design cars that will last a lifetime like they used to do. Cars nowadays are designed to last for only 3 to 5 years, new models are being made every year. The cost of producing too many new models can be lower nowadays, but the cost of it's impact to the environment is more than what these Big Elites are offering as solution.
In my humble and honest opinion - being a layman with very little influence to the world. The only real solution is for the masses to stop buying new cars, keep their old or existing cars, improve it's emissions and efficiency with Hydrogen on demand technologies. They don't need to buy a Hybrid or any new - High Tech car. Heck, an old HHO-GEET VW Bug can beat the latest Ford Fusion with 46++MPG against 41MPG.
Media will never talk about this... don't ask me why... Ask - who owns the media?... But I believe the best question is: Who's labor and money is spent by the elites?
Money is invented by the Banks of the elites and it was originally from the house of Bourse somewhere in the Great British Empire. What used to be an Old English system for merchant exchange has evolved into the international money exchange.
The same system that financed wars of nations as well as the reconstruction of nations. the same system that fuels the economy of nations.
But who are the ones that perform all the labor this system fuels?... it's still the populace.
Hydrogen on Demand will probably not make it in mainstream media... not if the Elites don't back it up or allow it.
But why are we so dependent on Media?... media is just a medium, a channel to send messages to us. Whatever is placed in this channel, we have no choice but to absorb it. If the elites want you to love the new model car or embrace hydrogen fuel cell cars by next year, media will send signals or programs to condition our minds to consider and look into that direction and simply lose our sense of value for the old cars.
The truth is, the media brings the populace into an illusion of grandeur... Being green somehow becomes a fashion statement. Being green somewhat becomes fashionable by the coming years. Why bring it into this vain activity?... simply because the elites wants to keep the populace (us) into this state of being, mere low class individuals enslaved by our wants and not our needs.
They have also successfully instilled in the minds of the masses to mistake their wants for their needs. The need for power, luxury, comfort and the association of a picture of state of the art elegance in grand leather, suede, platinum and gold or silver coated embellishments, the masses- which includes the nuovo elites are all captured and enslaved by this illusion.
This is probably the most successful master plan ever pulled to mankind in the entire course of the planets history... but at whose expense?
This can be a lengthy topic to discuss in this blog and I have no intent to take your time for a long read.
Hydrogen on demand systems is still the best solution to address a clear and present problem. No matter what they do, it will not change the truth. And the truth is, the best things in life are free and the next best things are almost free.
Think about it.
Hydrogen Cars on their way out!
One of the key tenets of the Bush-era energy policy was the nascent development of a "Hydrogen Superhighway," which was one part of a grand "Hydrogen Economy." To those in the know, this was a make-believe and far-off world where your car runs on clean hydrogen that you fill up at the local hydrogen station or is produced in your garage, and it was about as close to a flux capacitor for your DeLorean as it was to a Honda FCX Clarity in your garage.
What was forgotten, at least to the people who made the energy policy in the first place, was the fact that it takes more energy -- a lot more with today's technologies -- to create a kilogram of hydrogen than a gallon of gas. And if you take time to think about it, there was no infrastructure in place to deliver the fuel to the vaporware hydrogen cars that quite a few of the car companies -- BMW, Honda, Ford and GM -- also developed at a major loss.
Well, consider this one more move from the Obama administration to distance themselves from the Bush administration. Quietly, may we add, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said in a briefing on the energy budget to reporters last week, that the days of the hydrogen car may have passed before they even started.
"We asked ourselves, is it likely in the next 10, 15 or 20 years that we will convert to a hydrogen car economy? The answer, we felt, was 'no,' " said Chu.
Chu then went on to cite the need for better fuel cells and a near complete lack of infrastructure as reasons why they chose to cut more than $100 million -- from $168 million to approximately $68 million -- from the U.S. Department of Energy budget.
Now, if we can only get Doc Brown on the case, we may have something...
-- Jon Alain Guzik
Jon Alain Guzik is the editor-in-chief at Driverside.com
Photo of FCX Clarity Credit: Honda
Hydrogen Enhanced Charade Cruising @ 130kph
Please click the link to view the video.
Since removing the J-Tip from the spark plugs, I still haven't inspected its condition. I am merely using this car daily as needed... this video was taken today in Coastal Road direction Cavite (O5,03,2009).
At 20% pedal pressure... the engine seems to perform at optimal speed. I can't floor it since it's having flat spots due to the very small jettings of the Carb. It is the smallest jet sizes I can get for this carb, and the mechanic was hesitant to put it - they told me, the car wont run with these small jets... and in case it starts, the car will be very sluggish. Well, I think the mechanic is now disproved.
One thing for sure - I can't go racing with this set up... but - I dont think the Black BMW Series 5 will believe it after I let it eat the dust earlier today. :-D
In fact, this little car intimidated 1 Mistubishi Evolution, 1 Mazda Protege and 1 Honda Prelude and some more street racers. They probably thought this Charade is a sleeper, of course this car is no match for them, but I dont think they are convinced after I left them some kilometers ago before they are able to catch up. :-)
I think I'll have to replaced back the stock jets next time.
100, 120 or 130kph is really nothing in the category of racing... but - this Car is no racer... it's bone stock! with no modifications in the engine...it is even under-carbed. 100kph without enhancement is hard to reach... I will have to floor the carb pedal to the metal then.
The only mods it has is very simple, low technology, non-intrusive, quick to install but pretty effective... all for under USD300 or PhP15,000.00 equivalent Total Cost!
This is cheap!... and you even get to drive GUILT-FREE! due to the low Carbon Footprint you make.
This is Real Fun!... and my nose isn't irritated at all!. :-D
Yeah, I'm getting my kicks here.. lol.
OH yes... 14.5km per liter average consumption... even in this speed, with AC on.
This is for the record.
I keep forgeting to replace that horn button... An Egyptian guy once told me I dont deserve to drive this car because of this stupid Honda Horn button... well, nobody's perfect. Not even this car. :-D
Student news: Going green, one moped at a time

Vespa scooter
A Vespa scooter is a scooter with a history—it’s credited as the affordable form of mass transportation that reignited Italy’s post-World War II economy. The scooter’s unique, timeless design makes it the “Rolls Royce” of scooters, an heirloom that can last 20 years in the care of a faithful owner.
Yet, even for a Vespa, there’s room for improvement, and 16 University of Wisconsin-Madison engineering students spent last fall figuring out how to make the already environmentally friendly Vespa even more green.
While enrolled in civil and environmental engineering professor Marc Anderson’s section of Inter-Engineering 160, Introduction to Engineering, the students designed, built and tested a hydrogen-based system that ultimately reduced the amount of gasoline necessary to run a Vespa moped by 10 percent. The system is based on electrolysis, the process of splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen via an electrical charge.
“As freshmen, they’re just starting to get used to things, and I usually pick out projects that are difficult so they’ll learn a lot,” says Anderson, adding the project offered exposure to environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, electrochemical engineering, materials science and construction engineering.
The students experimented on a yellow 50-cc steel-body Vespa moped provided at a substantial discount by Jeff Dunn, the owner of Vespa Madison at Dunn’s Import in Middleton. While the bike already averages 90 miles to a gallon of gasoline, Dunn says even Vespa needs to do better environmentally, and he’s more than willing to help the students.

“I think what they’re doing is very exciting. I believe wholeheartedly that it’s good for Vespa,” he says.
The students divided their work into three components: the electrolysis device, the battery and the engine. For the electrolysis device, they designed rectangular electrodes to split the water using carbon plates coated with a nanoparticle thin film Anderson developed. They set the plates inside a container called an electrolyzer, which they positioned near the moped engine beneath the driver’s seat. The electrodes are powered by a charge from the moped’s alternator and separate the water into oxygen and hydrogen, funneling the hydrogen directly to the engine’s cylinder via a stainless steel tube.
Once in the engine, the hydrogen produces a more complete combustion, according to Anderson, which means the engine more efficiently uses the fuel.
The electrolyzer system could, in addition to reducing the amount of gasoline necessary, also reduce moped emissions. While the students did not have time to test emissions levels their system produced, Anderson anticipates the more complete combustion caused by hydrogen in the engine would make the moped run cleaner. From here, the electrolyzer system may benefit the UW-Madison vehicle teams, which frequently experiment with hybrid vehicle technologies. In fact, mechanical engineering faculty associate Glenn Bower, who oversees the vehicle teams, offered additional advice and support to the moped project.
Not all college freshmen delve into their majors via practical, hands-on projects in their first semester on campus, and the experience has been valuable for mechanical engineering freshman Steven Burbach.
“The project was very cutting-edge—we weren’t building things that had already been done, and I really appreciate Professor Anderson’s willingness to trust us with this,” he says. “Engineering isn’t just sitting at a desk. It’s getting out there, tackling real-world problems.”
by—Sandra Knisely
From the University of Wisconsin Website in USA
source: http://www.engr.wisc.edu/news/headlines/2009/Mar02.html
The Race for Cold Fusion - Breakthrough!
Watch CBS Videos Online
Welcome to Energetics Technologies SuperWave™ Fusion - a pioneering technology that current research suggests may prove to be a revolutionary approach to the generation of clean, abundant energy. This technology appears to produce an astonishing 25 times more energy output than the energy required to produce it.
Imagine a clean technology that promises to produce cost effective energy without having to rely on fossil fuels or access to wind or sunlight.
Energetics Technologies is the innovative company offering this historic breakthrough that could result in a dramatic increase in energy availability when compared to fossil fuels, wind, hydro-electric, and solar technologies. Energetics Technologies opened the doors on its research laboratory in January 2002 to apply a new principle fundamental excitation concept to electrolytic cell operation and began obtaining excess heat in an electrolytic cell within 6 months.
This is their story. This is our future.
Click here to see how SuperWave™ Fusion works.
HHO enhanced Dio mileage test Part 2
With the prototype Hydrogen Electrolyzer switched on and hooked in - the same 150ml. fuel is consumed up to it's last drop.
4.2km this time. :-) you do the math.
Purple Bug doing 0 to 120 kph sprint!
This is the latest video from the Purple Bug, an on board hydrogen on demand enhanced old beetle doing some quick acceleration runs.
Hydrogen Boost System Powered By Cars Exhaust
Here's for the naysayers who keep discouraging modern day Einsteins to stop pursuing what we are pursuing.
This is a not so old technology used by cooling/heating companies... it is also widely used as PC component coolers... and or heater.
Peltier effect is about utilizing the thermal difference to produce instant electricity in DC form.
And if there is electricity, you can produce instant heat or cooling as well.
These type of devices have been considered low in efficiency in the past until now.
The alternator current draw and load placed by th hydroxy electrolyzer has been the primary issue used by the technology suppressors since time immemorial... I have kept ensciro's video in my on hold list for a while before posting it here in my blog... in fact, it may not be related directly but it is a distant cousin of hydroxy on demand systems.
Having a background in Thermodynamics will indeed make one appreciate this approach of utilization.
For the enthusiasts - you can put this into your armory.
For the detractors - We are not saying the earth is flat...you are.
For the believers - just have faith - revelations are coming soon.
Next topic to write... is probably about efficiencies.
Thank you for reading. I hope you learn something again here.
Truckers Choose Hydrogen Power!
Stephen Leahy Email 11.15.05

Hundreds of semitrailer trucks zipping along North American highways are now powered in part by hydrogen. These 18-wheelers make hydrogen as they go, eliminating the need for high-pressure, cryogenic storage tanks or hydrogen filling stations, which, by the way, don't yet exist.
These truckers aren't just do-gooders. They like Canadian Hydrogen Energy's Hydrogen Fuel Injection, or HFI, system because it lets them save fuel, get more horsepower and, as a bonus, cause less pollution.
"We're saving $700 a month per truck on fuel," said Sherwin Fast, president of Great Plains Trucking in Salina, Kansas. The company tried the HFI system on four trucks and has ordered 25 more.
"Drivers like the increased power and noticed there is a lot less black smoke coming out of the stacks," said Fast.
HFI is a bolt-on, aftermarket part that injects small amounts of hydrogen into the engine air intake, said Canadian Hydrogen Energy's Steve Gilchrist. Fuel efficiency and horsepower are improved because hydrogen burns faster and hotter than diesel, dramatically boosting combustion efficiency.
"You get more work from the same amount of fuel," said Gilchrist.
This is not a new idea. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology published research on the uses of hydrogen as a combustion-enhancing agent in the early 1970s. But the ability to make hydrogen on the go is novel.
The sticking point for hydrogen has always been getting it. Unlike crude oil, natural gas, wind or solar energy, hydrogen doesn't exist freely in nature. It costs $5 a gallon to make hydrogen from natural gas.
But the HFI system uses electricity from an engine's alternator to power the electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen as needed from small amounts of distilled water.
"That's a big advantage and a bit of a novelty," said Venki Raman, an expert on hydrogen-energy applications who started Protium Energy Technologies.
HFI's manufacturer guarantees 10 percent fuel savings, which likely won't interest car companies or consumers, Raman said. But a reduction of pollution emissions could spur broader use.
Trucks with the HFI system produce half the amount of particulates -- microscopic, unburned bits of diesel. The system also reduces nitrogen-oxide emissions, which are major contributors to harmful air pollution, by up to 14 percent, according to Canada's Environmental Technology Verification Program.
The HFI units are relatively small and cost between $4,000 and $14,000, depending on the size of the vehicle.
"It looks like a good transition technology to hydrogen fuel cells, which are still at least 15 years away from commercialization," said Raman.
It will take at least until 2040 before fuel cells begin to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to the National Hydrogen Association, Gilchrist pointed out.
"We vehemently disagree with governments picking the fuel cell as the single path to a cleaner environment," he said.
Gilchrist recently argued just this point in meetings with California officials, who are considering buying prototype fuel-cell vehicles that will cost more than $1 million each. That money could buy many HFI systems, which would provide "300 times" the air-pollution reductions of one fuel-cell vehicle, he said.
Governor stung by an HHO Scorpion

Gov. Schwarzenegger Test Drives Ronn Scorpion and May Buy One
Posted on March 12th, 2009 by admin
Schwarzenegger Scorpion California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has put the pedal to the metal on a Ronn Scorpion eco exotic car that partly runs on hydrogen. In fact, the “Governator” is so fond of the Scorpion that how he is considering buying one.
Now, I’ve talked about the Ronn Scorpion many times in the past including the H2GO hydrogen on demand unit inside that electrolyzes water and feeds the resulting hydrogen through the intake to supplement and catalyze the gasoline in the cylinders.
Governor Schwarzenegger is of course the author of California’s Hydrogen Highway program, which over the past 6 years has spawned 26 public hydrogen refueling stations in the state, with a few being added each year.
In October 2004, Governor Schwarzenegger drove his modified H2H Hummer to the opening of California’s first public hydrogen fueling station at the Los Angeles International Airport.
Governor Schwarzenegger contacted the Scorpion’s CEO Ronn Maxwell about the hydrogen gas saving exotic car after reading an article in the high profile Men’s Journal which proclaimed the Scorpion to be “God’s Own Supercar.”
The Ronn Scorpion has supercar speed with 0 to 60 mph acceleration in under 4 seconds and a top end of over 200 mph. The mainly gasoline-powered and partially hydrogen-powered exotic car also gets around 40 mpg as well.
Ronn Maxwell drove the Scorpion upon the sidewalk leading up to the steps of the Capital building in Sacramento for a photo op with Governor Schwarzenegger. The Governor is enthusiastic about small boutique alternative car companies creating jobs and giving consumers options in the marketplace where the Big 3 automakers have yet to come up to speed in this area.
I wrote Governor Schwarzenegger last year to tell him about this emerging hydrogen gas saver technology and in specific the device being used inside the Ronn Scorpion. That could have helped place a bug in his ear when deciding to take the Scorpion out for a test drive recently.
With an endorsement from one of the largest names in the hydrogen car movement, Governor Schwarzenegger gives this emerging hydrogen on demand technology a shot of credibility today that will hopefully lead to cleaner air and less dependence upon foreign oil tomorrow.
And many thanks for Paul Faulstich of the Hydrogen Energy Center for alerting me to this important news event yesterday.
Filed under: Hydrogen Gas Savers | No Comments »
Prince Charles Plea for humanity to save the planet
We have 100 months to save the planet... Have you done your part?
Vespa with HHO MC take off
No smoke!... Vespa 2 stroke - benefits from Hydroxy enhancement. Strong acceleration and Speed!... but most of - all ... Significantly and Relatively - Cleaner emission.
No doubt about it.
A SOLUTION to Prince Charles' Speech
A 50cc scooter, "turbocharged" with the Gadgeteers' onboard hydrogen fuel cell, produces approximately 25% more power and visibly less smoke, according to this CTV news report. With such a small motor, the carbon "footprint" is correspondingly much less, in fact, tiny, tiny, tiny, compared to a typical 6000cc 8-cylinder vehicle.
Please check out the Gadgeteers' other video clips on this Hydrogen Hybrid Kymco scooter.
Like the news reporter says, the cost of this onboard fuel cell is only $200 -- a very small price to save this planet, isn't it?
Of course, an electric scooter is also a good, if not better solution, albeit the speed of an electric scooter is restricted to 32KPH in some jurisdictions.
Thanks, Prince Charles, for your "100 months left to save this planet" speech to 200 business leaders
The Hydrogen Hybrid scooter is Gadgeteer Rob's last gadgeteering project.
Hydrogen Assisted Nissan Skyline
Race Freaks, listen. So you thought HHO is just for low performance cars wanting to get an extra juice out f their efficiency equation?... well, think again.
Here's a guy from Japan that made his own hho project and installed it in his Nissan Skyline.
He also makes actual Mileage Runs and logs them.
He claims 30% mileage gains... this is a lot already... naysayers will always say - "ONLY 30%???!!! why not 50%? or 100%?...." - typical line of people you dont want to waste time talking with. Hell, they can't even get an extra 10% gain with hypermiling.
At any rate, there are detractors, debunkers or black propagandist... These people will have to be typecasted as the "Enemy of the Earth". Normally, these people are paid well to provide disinformation and or desensitization to the populace.
I am not selling here anything... I am merely presenting the proofs of concepts in this blog and to my other blogs.
In other words... WAKE UP people! There's a quick fix and it's not going to cost you an arm and a leg.
Start saving this planet... and you can start... NOW.
Road Test, Hydrogen Hybrid Firebird
Another Proof of concept on the run! A Pontiac Firebird - Hydrogen Hybrid!... Enjoy it.
Gadgeteers Converted Hydrogen Cleaner-Burn Kymco Scooter College Students Test Rides
Canada's first Hydrogen Assisted 2 stroke Scooter is presented to College Students. Please watch the video. It's self explanatory.
More power to Vancouver Gadgeteers Club!
3D Engine Displacement Video
Heres a quick 3D infotainment for all... just a quick crash course about engine displacement and strokes and bores... how the pistons work with the crankshaft.
Enjoy while you learn.
The function of the Crankshaft
Another item to educate the masses about how the engine works... this applies to both spark ignition and compression ignition engines... in other words... gas or diesel.
Enjoy and learn.
Hybrid Semi Truck HHO Installation HYDROGEN POWERED SEMI
Here is an video of the installation job on a semi truck with our HT Fusion Flow. We converted this C15 Caterpillar 475hp diesel to run as a hybrid on HHO Gas in conjunction with diesel, resulting in dramatically decreased emissions, and increased fuel efficiency and horsepower.
Congratulations to KNIGHT OIL TOOLS for setting an example for the oil and gas service industry in saving fuel, and reducing emissions!
Tractor runs on hydrogen and diesel fuel
North Dakota State University students convert tractor to run on hydrogen. The hydrogen is produced by wind turbines in North Dakota.
OBD-II Ghost Video Part-2
An in depth discussion of why I think timing may be part of OBD-II problem, also some ideas on how to approach it.
OBD-II Ghost Videos Part 1
A must see video... to dispell many myths and disinformation about hydroxy enhancement for your engine.
According to TOM:
"1st of probably many obdII ghost videos. The variables and info is a lot better in my head than I am describing. I appologize my failure to paint on canvas what I see in my head. The more test info I get from my own tests and yours the easier this will become. These are all theories on results I have gotten or seen in person. Please try to open your mind and let this info flow. No idea is a stupid one. We can and will try everything. Our current methods of maps and efies have proven themselves worthless in my eyes. All they are effectivly doing is leaning out a fuel curve. you can get near same results without hho. We are not appling hho properly in my eyes. hho and gasoline are 2 totally differtent fuels and it is a fine line to make use of both. The more I do the more I prove previous ideas wrong. The simple fact is our base programs cant make use of this new fuel effectivly. the tricking approach is useless bec the hho part of the event happens so fast. So we are now covering up some of the negative effects of hho induction with current map,efie ect methods. We need more live data info to get a better handle on what is truly going on inside the ice. we need to get away from patching and address main problem we need to reteach the ecm to recognize hho and make use of it. the next coming months will be a wild ride for all of us. sorry about the leave ya hangin at the end of vid. much much more to come."
GM Hydrogen Car On The Streets Now In DC
If Gm takes the 20 billion dollar bailout they should be required to put these things on the market by next spring. Sell 20,000 in DC and LA in a year and get the fueling stations up to sell 1 million by 2010 at least in those cities. Honda has a home fueling station that can make 200 gallons of Hydrogen from Natural Gas and they can be on the market in a year
All they need to do is convert a couple of their SUV Plants and make cars trucks and Fueling Devices
Free Energy and Zero Point Energy Explained with Physics
Lets hear it straight form the engineers... and hopefully, we can learn more about this.
Little knowledge is More dangerous than it seems. More thirst for knowledge will keep us less prone to the hazards and the mistakes alng the way.
A better understanding about the concept of Free Energy and Zero point is perfectly explained in this video... enthrophy, physics and the equilibrium of all state of beings are universal laws that are constants...
Free energy is not really free... the cost is - Hard Work... that means... More Research and Experimenting.
Happy New Year!