The hydroxy powered exotic super concept car is here now...

3D Engine Displacement Video
Heres a quick 3D infotainment for all... just a quick crash course about engine displacement and strokes and bores... how the pistons work with the crankshaft.
Enjoy while you learn.
The function of the Crankshaft
Another item to educate the masses about how the engine works... this applies to both spark ignition and compression ignition engines... in other words... gas or diesel.
Enjoy and learn.
Hybrid Semi Truck HHO Installation HYDROGEN POWERED SEMI
Here is an video of the installation job on a semi truck with our HT Fusion Flow. We converted this C15 Caterpillar 475hp diesel to run as a hybrid on HHO Gas in conjunction with diesel, resulting in dramatically decreased emissions, and increased fuel efficiency and horsepower.
Congratulations to KNIGHT OIL TOOLS for setting an example for the oil and gas service industry in saving fuel, and reducing emissions! HYDROGEN POWERED SEMI TRUCKS
Tractor runs on hydrogen and diesel fuel
North Dakota State University students convert tractor to run on hydrogen. The hydrogen is produced by wind turbines in North Dakota.
OBD-II Ghost Video Part-2
An in depth discussion of why I think timing may be part of OBD-II problem, also some ideas on how to approach it.
OBD-II Ghost Videos Part 1
A must see video... to dispell many myths and disinformation about hydroxy enhancement for your engine.
According to TOM:
"1st of probably many obdII ghost videos. The variables and info is a lot better in my head than I am describing. I appologize my failure to paint on canvas what I see in my head. The more test info I get from my own tests and yours the easier this will become. These are all theories on results I have gotten or seen in person. Please try to open your mind and let this info flow. No idea is a stupid one. We can and will try everything. Our current methods of maps and efies have proven themselves worthless in my eyes. All they are effectivly doing is leaning out a fuel curve. you can get near same results without hho. We are not appling hho properly in my eyes. hho and gasoline are 2 totally differtent fuels and it is a fine line to make use of both. The more I do the more I prove previous ideas wrong. The simple fact is our base programs cant make use of this new fuel effectivly. the tricking approach is useless bec the hho part of the event happens so fast. So we are now covering up some of the negative effects of hho induction with current map,efie ect methods. We need more live data info to get a better handle on what is truly going on inside the ice. we need to get away from patching and address main problem we need to reteach the ecm to recognize hho and make use of it. the next coming months will be a wild ride for all of us. sorry about the leave ya hangin at the end of vid. much much more to come."
GM Hydrogen Car On The Streets Now In DC
If Gm takes the 20 billion dollar bailout they should be required to put these things on the market by next spring. Sell 20,000 in DC and LA in a year and get the fueling stations up to sell 1 million by 2010 at least in those cities. Honda has a home fueling station that can make 200 gallons of Hydrogen from Natural Gas and they can be on the market in a year
All they need to do is convert a couple of their SUV Plants and make cars trucks and Fueling Devices
Free Energy and Zero Point Energy Explained with Physics
Lets hear it straight form the engineers... and hopefully, we can learn more about this.
Little knowledge is More dangerous than it seems. More thirst for knowledge will keep us less prone to the hazards and the mistakes alng the way.
A better understanding about the concept of Free Energy and Zero point is perfectly explained in this video... enthrophy, physics and the equilibrium of all state of beings are universal laws that are constants...
Free energy is not really free... the cost is - Hard Work... that means... More Research and Experimenting.
Happy New Year!