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The Race for Cold Fusion - Breakthrough!

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Welcome to Energetics Technologies SuperWave™ Fusion - a pioneering technology that current research suggests may prove to be a revolutionary approach to the generation of clean, abundant energy. This technology appears to produce an astonishing 25 times more energy output than the energy required to produce it.

Imagine a clean technology that promises to produce cost effective energy without having to rely on fossil fuels or access to wind or sunlight.

Energetics Technologies is the innovative company offering this historic breakthrough that could result in a dramatic increase in energy availability when compared to fossil fuels, wind, hydro-electric, and solar technologies. Energetics Technologies opened the doors on its research laboratory in January 2002 to apply a new principle fundamental excitation concept to electrolytic cell operation and began obtaining excess heat in an electrolytic cell within 6 months.

This is their story. This is our future.

Click here to see how SuperWave™ Fusion works.

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