This is probably the first ever HHO enhanced Honda Dio Scooter video documented ever. It is a proof of concept. For such a long time that HHO or Hydroxy or Hydrogen on demand systems were limited only inside the laboratory and debate forums. It was never really proven to work on a realistic actual test vehicle.
Due to necessity and adversity, I was forced to do an actual mileage test using this Honda Dio-2 Scooter which I got from the junk. Yup, it's my own bike and I am not just copy pasting this story. Read on and I hope you enjoy the videos... you might need dramamine after watching it... I hope not.
"This mileage test is done now with the HHO module connected. The 250ml. Gasoline 95 octane was able to cover 4.2km at full throttle... a few slow downs were necessary due to some road hazards. At any rate, the engine really performed well with the HHO conected. I therefore conclude and estimate that without HHO - this scooter will run 12km with 1 liter of gasoline... and with HHO connected - it will run 16km to a liter of gas. therefore - we can achieve at least 4 extra kilometers for every liter of gas. If we double the HHO module in this bike... we can expect probably about 50% extra mileage. The proof will always be in the pudding. So until next experiments. I therefore conclude the Honda Dio HHO enhancement experiments and will pursue a more user friendly design... the data we gather in these runs are enough. time to rest."
Does HHO still needs gasoline because I've seen videos which does not say they've used any gasoline they've said pure Hydrogen only could you verify this
Of course it does!...
Hydrogen in these experiments were used as Supplemental Fuels... just like how vitamins and minerals are helping our body benefit from the food we take and make it into usable energies.
Gasoline is like Food... if you are not able to burn it well, it becomes fat or Greenhouse Gases.
You can always go pure Hydrogen, but I would rather not. when the engine is not running it doesnt have vacuum. And if you crank it - the pressure from the Hydrogen Gas will be greater than the pressure from the engines' vacuum. Back fire can cause explosions. Damage can happen to your intake manifold... and possibly to your self. I don't recommend this.
So far, the safest way to use hydrogen is on demand.
It is a quick fix with a permanent solution potential.
Honda Dio is famous for it's beautiful design and awesome look. It has all of the great features. It is a electric start Scooter. It has low price so anyone can buy this.
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